
Author(s): H. Soleh SURYA*

This research is motivated by the existence of problems related to the implementation of the policy of the decade of road safety action that has not been effective, which is marked by the high number of road accidents in Ciamis Regency. To observe this, it is important to conduct a study on increasing prevention and prevention efforts at an early stage involving programs, sectors, local governments and the community.

The research was conducted using qualitative research methods with a case study approach. Qualitative data was collected through observation, interviews and Focus Group Discussion (FGD). Data analysis was carried out by means of descriptive analysis through data reduction, data display, verification, drawing conclusions and using TOWS analysis.

The results showed that:

1). The implementation of the policy of the decade of road safety action in Ciamis Regency when examined in the mentality approach aspect regarding the attitudes and responsibilities of implementing policies and aspects of the system approach with regard to regulations, cultural values and organizational structures and functions has been maximized, however, in the networking approach aspect related to strategic partnerships, and synergies built between stakeholders to be further optimized.

2). The ineffectiveness of the policy implementation strategy for the decade of road safety action in Ciamis Regency is due to the following factors:

a). The implementation of communication and coordination with cross-stakeholders has not been implemented effectively.

b). Not optimal level of socialization,

c). The preparation of SOP (Standard Operating Procedure) and work structure has not been implemented effectively.

d). Limited support for human resources (human resources).

e). The participation of private sector stakeholders is still low and the level of community participation is minimal.

3). An effective strategy in implementing the policy of the decade of road safety action in Ciamis Regency is through the Diversification Strategy, which means that it is necessary to strengthen individual aspects, organizational aspects, and system aspects through capacity building (capacity building) of regional institutions which ultimately requires concrete efforts to establish an organizational forum, namely the formation of the Ciamis Regency Integrated Accident Management Team (TTPK) to provide a more real role in active coordination with primary stakeholders (Health Department, Land and Spatial Planning Public Works Agency (DPUPRP), Education Office, Communication and Information Office (Kominfo), Planning Agency Region (Bappeda) and the Department of Finance); secondary stakeholders (community, professional organizations, academia and the private sector); and key stakeholders (police).


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