
Author(s): Z. Beril AKINCI VURAL∗ Müjde KER DİNCER∗∗ Nilay BAŞOK∗∗∗ Gül COŞKUN DEĞİRMEN ∗∗∗∗ Mustafa YALÇIN∗∗∗∗∗ Melodi ERKAN

Brand is as the most important element to differentiate one brand from others in the same business field. As the significance of branding is valued further with every passing day, brand awareness takes to the stage. Brand awareness, which is defined as the ability of a consumer to recognize one brand over other brands by its attributes and design elements such as shape, color, logo and graphics, also contributes to differentiate brands from those others. In terms of increasing brand awareness efforts, it is observed that companies prefer digital platforms. Nowadays the profile of consumers is in a continuous state of flux due to the tremendous changes in information communication technologies and related changes in educational and cultural levels of the society. Thus this situation puts forward the significance of using web-based communication effectively depending on the new media literacy of the consumers. Along with traditional media of marketing, PR and advertising, web as a medium comes to the fore front of today’s digital new media literates. As one of the favored media of new generation, social media stands out with its extensive usage on the new way of interaction between companies and consumers. Besides using social media on private purposes such as chatting, communicating and building business contacts, companies try to manage social media extensively to reach their consumers. In Turkey where the numbers of network citizens are increasing day after day, they show the tendency to develop behavior by gathering news via social media. In this study, the concept, elements and scope of brand awareness will be discussed. In the second phase, a survey consisting of closed and open-ended questions, it will be analyzed the contribution of social media to brand awareness Ege University Faculty of Communication students applying in the sample.


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  • The Journal of International Social Research / Uluslararası Sosyal AraÅŸtırmalar Dergisi ISSN: 1307-9581, an international, peer-reviewed, on the web publication, from 2007 will be issued least four times annualy.
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