
Author(s): Yılmaz KARADENZ

In the last half of 6 th century two states Sassanid and Göktürks which existed through the same age, warfare on the trade routes which were starting from China to Istanbul. Through that period Göktürk state which also played an axis role, established diplomatic and military relations with two other states on the basics of political and economical conditions. Sassanid state encountered Göktürk and Byzantium states while trying to use benefits of the route. Göktürk state wanted to restrict Sassanid’s economic and military movements by using routes endowed by the geographical region. During the period of 1st Husrev which was also most magnificent era for Sassanid, Göktürks state interfered Silk Road extending from west to east and controlled the road meanwhile became effective on war which was set by Byzantium on Sassanid. Also Göktürk State weakened both Byzantium and Sassanid, and established a state match for most powerful countries. Thus warfare between Sassanid and Göktürk is not about warfare between a nomadic and settled state but is about on warfare between two World States.


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