
Author(s): Ali YILMAZ, Kuttusi ZORLU

Sustainable tourism is an understanding of the management of the resources that are subject to tourism, based on economic, social, and aesthetic needs with protecting cultural integrity, basic ecological processes, biodiversity, and life support systems. For this reason, there is a need to define application steps within the framework of appropriate strategies for the development of a sustainable tourism destination. In this study; Sinop province, as a tourism destination, is assessed with its natural, historical and cultural values that has an important tourist attraction. The main purpose of the study is to determine the most important strategic decisions and prior factors by SWOT-AHP method for sustainable tourism assessment in Sinop. For this purpose, a SWOT analysis, which consists of the strengths and weaknesses, opportunities and threats of Sinop city, was produced. Then, four alternative strategies were determined using generated SWOT matrix. In the last stage, the SWOT matrix was transformed into a hierarchical structure and analyzed by the Analytical Hierarchy Process (AHP) method. The study, the most important strategy to be implemented for the sustainable development of tourism in the province of Sinop, "GF- Tourism products, instead of being harmed during the touristic development process, useful use in harmony with the local environment, community and local culture (0,242)" was be detected. For this reason, the most important strategic steps for destination organizations is; to protect, develop, and make promotions with natural, historical, and cultural values in the foreground.


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