
Author(s): Esin KARACAN

Old age is thought as the last stage of human life. Advancing technology, increase of reach the information speed and accordingly development studies about human health cause aged people population increase. Turkey is still accepted as young population country. In 2013, old age population rate is %7,7. However, according to the authorities, in 2023 this rate will increase to %10,2 and Turkey is going to be one of the old age population country. If the precautions are not taken, in addition to this increase , many negative consequences will appear. This situation affect especially aged people and their families, countries. Accordingly, the purpose of article, to discuss socio-economic status of old people in Turkey, and to offer suggestions about actions to be taken. In this study which has prepared, considering the situation at first, in Turkey, numeric data about old age people have included then, the problem which old age people face with, have discussed and solutions offers have argued about how these problems solve.


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