
Author(s): Seniha KRASNIQI, Nuran MUHAXHERI

In this paper, we have a tendency to vindicate the importance of using literature in foreign language learning, respectively English as foreign language learning, as a material which would kindle productive skills of speaking and writing and receptive skills of reading and listening. Not being the supporter of all-literary text English language courses, we state the benefits of the literature to language learning. We cannot overlook the fact that there is a lack of experience and material for promoting the literature in language curriculums and the rareness of this method can be one other element intimidating, thus, disheartening for the wide range of teachers. The dichotomy of the category of teachers who support the inclusion of literature in foreign language learning and those who oppose it, make this method tap in one place and create more discussion on its suitability and practicality than a factual application of the same. We can similarly encounter aloofness from the students who are likewise not used to the presence of literature in ELT. Nevertheless, taking into consideration affluent linguistic contribution and communication provoking nature, we believe that it is the teacher who should bear the load of using resources which would make students spirited and eager in literature usage. The paper similarly aimed at numbering the gains of incorporation of the literature in language learning for achieving the ultimate objectives.


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