
Author(s): Fatma KALPAKLI

Adapted from Ya?ar Kemal’s trilogy entitled Three Anatolian Legend, Red Deer, is directed by Süreyya Duru and has become a wonderful film; full of natural images and imagery, reflecting the beauty of Antalya and its surroundings. The protagonist of the movie, Halil (acted by Cüneyt Ark?n) is a very passionate deer-hunter, who likes spending many days in the mountains in order to nourish his people with deer-meat. He also likes the solitude and peace offered by the mountains. However, his duties towards his mother and his fiance call him back to his village and he has to defend his village and his people against the attacks of a?a2 . His stance against a?a’s unfair treatments to establish peace and order in the village is very noteworthy. In Red Deer, it is illustrated that the feudal system carried out by a?a is definitely neither human nor environment friendly. On the contrary, it actually threatens human and environmental security as well as denying their rights to exist and to live. Under this chaotic atmosphere, Halil, whose only passion in life is deer-hunting, goes through a transformation as a result of the guidance of a mysterious red deer during his adventures with a?a and bandits in the mountains. Thus, in this study, we will focus on the image of deer and how environmental consciousness is developed through movies such as Red Deer since “the ecological knowledge” (Greenberg 2013: 52) contained in Anatolian legends and beliefs are reflected in Red Deer/Alageyik is remarkably well


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