Author(s): Neslihan KURAN
- 1272 - Uluslararas? Sosyal Ara?t?rmalar Dergisi/The Journal of International Social ResearchCilt: 12 Say?: 63 Nisan 2019 www.sosyalarastirmalar.comVolume: 12 Issue: 63 April 2019Issn: 1307-9581 Doi Number: ISRAEL’?N (FALA?A) ET?YOPYA’DAK? SOSYO-KÜLTÜREL VE D?N? HAYATIBETA ISRAEL'S (FALASHA) SOCIO-CULTURAL AND RELIGIOUS LIFE IN ETHIOPIANeslihan KURAN?Öz 1948’de Modern ?srail Devleti’nin kurulmas? ile dünyan?n dört bir taraf?ndaki Yahudiler Eretz Yisrael’de birle?meye ça?r?ld?. Amerika’dan Asya’ya Afrika’dan Avrupa’ya ?srail’e kitlesel göçler ba?lad?. Asl?nda göç hareketi, 1948’den çok önce ba?lam??t?, ancak devletin kurulmas? ndan sonra sistematik hale getirildi. Eretz Yisrael’e 1948'den sonra ilk önce A?kenaz (Avrupa kökenli) ve Sefarad (Do?u kökenli-Asya ve Afrika) gruplar? göç etti. 19. yüzy?ldan itibaren Afrika kökenli Beta Israel de kay?p Dan kabilesinin atalar? oldu ?u iddia edilerek bu topraklara ta??nd?. “A?kenazlar, Sefaradlar, Mizrahiler, Karailer, Samiriler, Beta Israel (Fala?alar), Lembalar” bugünün ?srail’ini olu?turan gruplard?r. Çal??mam?zda ana ak?m Yahudilikten farkl? olan Beta Israel (Fala?a) grubunu ele alaca??z. ?srail’den ziyade, Etiyopya’daki sosyo-kültürel ve dini durumlar?n dan bahsetmeye çal??aca??z. Anahtar Kelimeler: ?srail, Etiyopya, Afrika, Eretz Yisrael, Fala?a, Beta Israel, Etnik Kimlik. AbstractAll the Jews in the world were invited to unite in Eretz Yisrael subsequent to the establishment of the Modern State of Israel in 1948. Mass migrations to Israel began from America to Asia, from Africa to Europe. In fact, the migration movement had started long before 1948, but it was systematized after the establishment of the state. After 1948, firstly, Ashkenaz (European origin) and Sephardic (Asian-African ) groups migrated to Eretz Yisrael. As from the 19th century, African origin Beta Israel also moved to this land, by claiming that they are the ancestors of the Dan tribe. "Ashkenazim, Sephardim, Mizrachim, Samirim, Karaim, Beta Israel (Falashim), Lemba's" are the groups that bring into being today's Israel. In our study we will discuss Beta Israel (Falasha) group which is different from mainstream Judaism. We will try to talk about their socio -cultural and religious situation in Ethiopia rather than Israel
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