
Author(s): Ö. Nilay ERBALABAN GÜRBÜZ

Childhood is one of the most important stages of both biological life and social life. After the Enlightenment in European societies, after the establishment of the republic in Turkey were evaluated children as a social actor. The roots of this childhood perception have emerged in the State of Plato. Plato thought that a good state foundation was in children's education. For this reason, ithas set up comprehensive arrangements in the education of children from nutrition, sleeping hours and cultural activities. From the earliest stages of modernization, this approach has been adopted in European societies. Appropriate policies within the scope of this approach to the modernization steps are produced in the Republic of Turkey. In the first part of this article, from the foundation of the Republic to the year 2000, child-centered state policies and the existence of children in social life will be examined. It examines influences of economic and social changes on childhood from the second half of the twentieth century to 2000’s. In particular, the relationship between social change and homeless children will be taken into consideration. Yusuf and Kenan (Ömer Kavur, 1979), which relate the story of two children who had to migrate from the village to the city in this frame with immigration, underdevelopment and injustice in income distribution, will be analyzed by the method of semiology.


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