Author(s): Gökçen SEVİM
listic/Marxist approach. Cansever determines his opinions about life in this perspective and bases his poetry on a concrete ground. The thought is dominant in his poems and he merges lyric and dramatic elements in his poetry. This structure created with lyric-dramatic elements is the poeticization of the tragic condition of human life in the capitalist order. Cansever discusses the hope of surviving and the tragic drama of individuals resisting against the current order and the solitude and alienation problems of individuals identified with the order. The poet who revolts against the order that became systematic and passivities humans places poetry as a handle for hope. Edip Cansever who is one of the ?kinci Yeni (The Second New) Movement mentions the commodification problem emerging with urbanization in his poem “Kül” (Ash) consisting of five parts. Külden Adamlar (Man of Ash) which is one of the parts where the tragedy of subjects who became passive in the urban life will be examined under the titles of mentality, structure, theme, language, harmony categories in accordance with the method included in “Poem Analysis Theory-Application” by Prof. Dr. ?erif Akta?.
The Journal of International Social Research received 8982 citations as per Google Scholar report