
Author(s): Banu KARAŞAH

Turkey has rich alternative tourism potential because of its different characteristics (geographic, climatic, topographical features, etc.). In order to get enough shares from the tourism which stimulates the local economies, the cities must go to the branding. Artvin city has been chosen as a study area because the city will be different from other cities by branding in alternative tourism with its tourism values. Fistly, a questionnaire was conducted with 10 experts to determine the alternative tourism potential and tourism types of the city. Results showed that 12 different kinds of alternative tourism (such as plateau tourism, coastal tourism, culture-faith tourism, nature-based tourism, flora tourism, winter sports tourism, camp-caravan tourism, river tourism, gastronomy tourism, slow tourism and tea tourism-agro-tourism and bird watching) can be realized in the city and it was seen that the city has a potential to become a brand city in alternative tourism. Secondly, the areas where visitors can participate in these tourism types were revealed. Finally, planning suggestions were proposed for developing the city which assessed in plateau corridor in Tourism Strategy of Turkey 2023 in different tourism development corridors cause of its potential. It is necessary to determine and protect the natural, cultural and historical resource values for sustainability and getting enough income from the tourism of the cities.


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