Author(s): Nurettin ÇALIŞKAN and Mehmet ÜNAL
19th century was the longest time and the most painful period in the history of Ottomans. This century was a witness within the Ottoman Empire to many social and political crises, many external interventions and wars, too much losses of lands and many human tragedies and sufferings. History is constructed on the sound information derived from what individuals bear witness to and report. Statements and texts of this form not only come from the chroniclers’ and historians’ notes and documents but from texts written in verse through which people relate dates and cases and events. One of the poetic works above-mentioned is a eulogy to Mü?ir Mustafa Pa?a, a governer of Scopje during the eighteen sixties by Mehmed Sâmih. This eulogy will be studied in terms of the era’s social and political situation and the events of that period.
The Journal of International Social Research received 8982 citations as per Google Scholar report