
Author(s): Emre SARI, Gözde HARTA

The purpose of this research is to demonstrate similarities and differences in the purchasing processes and consumption behavior among generations living in Turkey . The sample was selected by using stratified random sampling method from universe consisting of Generation Z, Generation Y, Generation X, Baby Boomers and Silent Generation. The surveys were applied to 400 people and were conducted using the ’Google Drive Form’ application. The results of the survey were analyzed using SPSS 24 program. As a result of research it was found that there was a significant difference between the budget and consumer generations. It is seen that the budget allocated for shopping increases as age increases. All generations benefit from their past experience when purchasing a product. The generation that buys a product with its own liking is the Z generation. As age increases, food spending increase, while clothing spending are decreasing. It is seen that the Z generation does not spend on food and the only generation that makes health spending is the Silent Generations. When the information receiving environments are ranked according to their importance, it is seen that all generations except the Silent Generation give priority to the internet environment.. Among the participants, the habit of watching television (100%) belongs to the most silent generation. Internet usage decreases as age increases. According to the results, the first site entered is Instagram when connected to the Internet


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